The Butchering of 2014

In 2014, a youtuber was streaming, before being torn to pieces by an unknown creature.
When police discovered his remains, he was unidentifiable. His corpse was disembodied, with blood and intestines littered about. His eyeballs had been plucked cleanly from their sockets, and were later discovered to have been forcibly shoved into his rectal cavity, which had prolapsed. His insides were eaten out, with beast saliva covering the man. He experienced true pain and terror before death, as his face had a look of unspeakable agony... or what was left of his face.
His head was decapitated, and skinned. The police had found the head on the floor, as it had rolled under his desk. The head had been torn clean off from the body, and his clothes were bloodsoaked.
His legs were found torn off and thrown about the room, one found dangling from his ceiling fan. His streaming setup had been completely thrashed about, with broken electronics all over the room.
What was puzzling, however, was the gaping hole within his closet... leading into his backyard.
The faint growling was even more puzzling.